Local Business SEO
Hire an SEO expert to develop and manage Google and Bing Business map listings.
Local Business Listings
Google map listings are among the best positions to have in SEO. We can help you dominate Google and Bing whenever location or geography is a factor in search.
Google & Bing Maps
Bing and Google business maps typically show only 2-4 local business listings in the initial search results, with a link to a larger map view of more listings. Listings initially appeared at the top of Google search results. Even above the ads. Google later experimented with the Google Carousel where the listings were moved to the top of the search result page and revolved like a carousel. They could show more local listings without pushing search results down. When people conduct a geographically based search these local listings have always appeared at or near the top of a page, even if the business had no website. You do not need a website to appear in Google or Bing business listings. Google business listings were initially designed for businesses with or without a website so that Google could list all businesses.
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